A32News - Kidney failure is a chronic disease of decline in kidney function. Until mid-2014, BPJS Health recorded the cost of treatment for patients with kidney failure to reach Rp 1.6 trillion. This indicates the number of patients with kidney failure in the country.
Renal failure is caused by several factors, such as unbalanced nutrition, lack of physical activity, as well as the complications of diabetes and hypertension. In addition, small lifestyle habits, such as drinking less, and urinary incontinence can also trigger deterioration in kidney function.
Patients with kidney failure live with the body's metabolism which is no longer perfect. They lose the ability to dispose of waste in the body that causes the buildup of toxins such as urea, creatinine, and others. As a result, patients may experience shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, body swelling, hypertension, and even sudden death.
Stem cell function
So far, people familiar with dialysis and transplant to treat kidney failure. Meanwhile, there are currently other alternative healing done, namely with stem cell therapy. Excess stem cells renew and transform themselves into a tissue or organ can repair kidney cells, removing the diseased cells, and restore kidney function.
In patients with chronic, treatment can be done by the intervention of the arteries. Through this type of treatment, there are four functions and a significant positive result. The first is referred to as highly active antiretroviral therapy. The healing process is to control viral therapy in renal cell thus reducing or eliminating the virus.
Second stem cell treatment that works to treat kidney function. This is usually done by people with clinical symptoms and complications.
The process can inhibit the symptoms of kidney failure and prevent the disease from getting worse. Stem cells also can help reduce kidney damage due to virus and slow the worsening of the disease condition.
Third, stem cells capable of becoming antifibrotik therapy. The positive effects of this healing process is a decrease in collection of collagen fibers, slowing the deterioration of renal function, replace and repair the body's cells are aging, death, and mutate.
Fourth, the functioning stem cells to protect the body or immunotherapy. In the treatment with stem cells, there is increasing endurance, can also reduce or eliminate the virus cells and destroying cells. Simultaneously, stem cells capable of treating conditions while protecting the liver and kidneys.
Quality of life
Amenities treatment with stem cells in Indonesia is not yet widespread. Safety and ethical issues are quite stringent bring development limitations. One of the places that have implemented an alternative remedy is Meyo Hospital Stem Cell Guangzhou, China.
At the hospital, the treatment was also accompanied by a low-protein diet. Adoption of diet regulate the intake of protein, phosphorous, essential amino acids, calories, vitamins, and minerals that support healing reasonably be patient. In addition to the healing process, this diet as well as healthy lifestyle applied to restore the health of the kidneys.
The process of kidney failure treatment with stem cells combined with a balanced diet is expected to be a solution to reduce racial pain and improve quality of life of sufferers. With intensive healing process that is expected to rest