A32News - Having tattoos are now no longer connotes a criminal or a free man, even the art of tattooing the skin is considered as an accessory to represent identity.
If you are also interested to put a tattoo on your body, always know what are the implications for health.
Moreover, most people who get a tattoo at a young age tend to regret it later on.
Here are a few things about tattoos and their impact in the long term.
- The ink into the skin
Most tattoo inks can be toxic, and some even contain carcinogenic substances (cause cancer).
In a 2012 study in Denmark found, one of five tattoo inks contain carcinogenic substances and the majority do not meet international safety standards in terms of the composition of the ink.
Research conducted in Europe also showed unsafe components in tattoo inks, for example, barium, mercury, copper, and so forth.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also mentions that the pigments used in tattoo ink is a material used in industry, such as printer ink or automobile paint.
Currently, he also examined whether the pigments and substances that can be broken down by the body and its effects in the long term.
- Influence of medical tests
Ink-based metal can react with MRI.
In some rare cases also note there are patients who suffered burns for his tattoos react with MRI.
- The risk of infection
This type of infection is mostly found associated with tattoos is the bacteria staphylococcus aureus or pseudomanas due to lack of sterilization equipment tattoo.
Bacterial infections that can be dangerous because it is often resistant to treatment.
Skin disorders can also arise from the tattoo side effects, such as itching and similar reactions on the skin disease lupus.
This type of infection is most dangerous course of hepatitis that can be transmitted through unsterilized needles.
That's why the American Red Cross does not accept blood donations from people who get tattoos in tampat that are not officially registered.
- Most difficult deleted
Laser technology that exist today have limitations in terms of colors that can be removed from the tattoo ink.
People with dark skin and pigmented also often not succeeded in reducing the tattoo with a laser.
In addition, a tattoo that occupies an area wide enough in the body also requires several sessions removal.
In fact, there is a need several years before it can be cleaned perfectly.
In fact, the laser method itself has side effects, including pain, scarring, or ulcers.