Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Do not Play This Game! No Pictures Not Inappropriate piece Intimate Women

A32News - Not all games worth playing, especially for gamers who are under age. For example, this game is showing indecent images. Parents also should be wary.

Game in question is Watch Dogs 2. Indeed, this game promises highly realistic graphics quality. But was so realistic, a gamer find vulgar display in the gaming environment.

Is a gamer at NeoGAF forum account named Goron2000 who know about it. He found it unseemly in the Ubisoft game fib.

Actually, the character of the woman with seductive clothing styles often found in many games, but what was found Goron2000 arguably too much.

Because, he found one of the characters in the middle of the game in a state of undress. Not only that, the sensitive part of her femininity also exposed clearly. Ubisoft did not leave a blur effect on a vital part of the woman.

Goron2000 was then share its findings to the NeoGAF forum where shelter. The goal is that other gamers know and jointly report to Ubisoft.

But instead of getting the appreciation, he even hit roadblock Sony because considered indecent content sharing. Why did Sony even so?

Apparently, it's because Goron2000 share its findings to the forum via the built-in sharing held game console PlayStation 4 hers. He is violating the rules prohibiting gamers share adult content and sexual.

Fortunately Goron2000 in a message sent to the NeoGAF forum Ubisoft. This French game manufacturer has promised to soon release an update that could give the sensor to the things that are considered indecent.

Sony also has responded to this problem and finally unblock the Goron2000.

However before Ubisoft and Sony released an update that could censor the profanity it's good not to play the first game.

Do not Play This Game! No Pictures Not Inappropriate piece Intimate Women Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown