Monday, November 28, 2016

This Reason Cheating Women

A32NEWS - The husband whose wife aids lazy-help take care of the housework, you should immediately leave the habit. The survey in France found that reasons for women cheating husbands lazy household chores.

A poll terharap 10 thousand women revealed that 73 percent were motivated to cheat because their partner is too little help with household work.

The survey was conducted by Gleedon, dating site for people who already have a regular partner. Customers women answered the survey.

The poll was launched to identify the main reasons women on the site are tempted to be unfaithful.

Almost nine out of ten respondents said that they were bothered by the lack of help while doing household chores. While 84 percent cited lack of help with household tasks that trigger an argument.

The results of this survey should be aware white man who found the most lazy shifting weight to housework. Meanwhile, Caribbean black men tend to want to share the household chores.

The news comes after researchers from the University of Michigan found the husband creates an extra seven hours of time for housework a week and keep a wife who carry it out.

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